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    Rosh Hashanah 2024- OCTOBER 3 - OCTOBER 5
    Start the Jewish New Year off with inspiring, delightful and relaxing High Holiday Services & Gourmet Dinner

    Traditional services blended with contemporary messages

    Insights into many holiday prayers

    Warm & welcoming environment

    Hebrew-English prayer books provided

    Enjoyable Holiday meals follow each service


  • Chabad of GRENADA is an independent organization. We, as every Chabad center, are responsible for all funds of our operating budget. We are supported exclusively by the generous contributions of individuals and foundations that care about our community. All funds raised by Chabad of GRENADA remain in GRENADA and go directly towards programs and services for the GRENADA Jewish community.

    We are excited and looking forward to celebrating the holidays! Chabad of Grenada launched a  fundraiser campaign for all of the preparations that go into observing the holiday (importing food, all the kosher items wine ;) 

    We will be providing students with Kosher food as well as open holiday meals for all. Please help us reach our goal and share the campaign with your friends, family and community.
    holidays at Chabad is a unique experience and we look forward to seeing all of you at the many events.
    Thank you & remember to share :) every donation is appreciated. 


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Synagogue Services

Friday Evening Service Begins at 7:00 PM. Enjoyable and Easy to Follow Services. Followed by Shabbat meal. For Candle Lighting Times please Click Here. Shabbat Day Services begin at 10:00 AM Followed by Kiddush and Shabbat meal. Shabbat Meals are free of charge. Contributions are welcome and encouraged to help cover the costs. Please Click Here to Donate.